Alliance Paradigm 5th Wheel RV Solar Install Details

Contact Us for a personal consultation or to order compontents for your solar install on a similar RV.

Total Battery Capacity
1200 ah
Total Solar
1800 watts
Victron orion DC DC 12|30

Victron orion DC DC 12|30

Victron Smart Shunt

Victron Smart Shunt

Victron Lynx Distributor

Victron Lynx Distributor

Victron Cerbo GX

Victron Cerbo GX

Victron Touch 50

Victron Touch 50

Victron Smart Solar MPPT 100|50

Victron Smart Solar MPPT 100|50

Victron Multiplus II 12/3000

Victron Multiplus II 12/3000

A working couple looking to go fulltime RVing is going to need big solar and enough batteries to stay powered in any conditions.

RV Solar System Details

One thing that is great about 5th wheel RVs is the storage space we have to work with.

JD is in here making the final connections on the Multiplus II 2x120 inverter. We've got all the equipment in there with room to spare.

We went with 3 100|50 Victron solar chargers paired with 3x 200w solar panels each for 1800w of solar total. We even kept the factory panel in tact and relocated the stock charge controller.