Ask Questions. Get Answers. Get Out there.
We always strive to be available as much as we can for your questions and concerns. The best way to contact us and get answers is via texting our phone number or filling out the form. You're welcome to call the number as well, but if we're on a job, out in the field or in transit we won't be able to take the call.
Mailing Address
8150 Viking Blvd NW
Nowthen, MN 55330
Note: We are not a retail location, visit by appointment only.
Phone / Text Number
Business Hours
Mon-Fri 9:00am – 4:00pm
Sat-Sun Closed
Boondocker's Emergency Hotline:
Call or text the same number above anytime you're in desperate need. If you're with no power, batteries won't charge, whatever the situation, we'll do what we can.